The Indo-European Friendship Club Will Return
“But at this moment Shinji lifted his eyebrows. He knew it had been his own strength that had tided him through that perilous night.”
As I depart for the most challenging thing I will have ever done, but a thing I wish beyond all else to do, I do not want it assumed that the long absence of new posts means that I have abandoned or will ever abandon this project. Though I have not devoted one-hundredth of the time and attention that I knew it deserved, it was never far away from my thoughts, yet to do it as it deserves to be done required putting my life in much better order. Half of that is done, and the other half will now see me sail away to earn some honest brass, so that I may fund myself for the hundreds of literary, historical, and philosophical works I know must be propagated into the world, and that no one but me will do it.
So a restatement of our intentions is fitting:
We are all of us locked in a fight to the death against the enemies of mankind, those who wish to destroy high culture, civilization, learning, the health and strength of our bodies and souls, the memory of beautiful words and deeds, and the fame of great men. In their stupidity and viciousness they openly and proudly avow and proclaim these intentions, so that it is plain and clear to see, and no reasonable man can ever plead ignorance. In their vision, the lower form of human life will finally and completely triumph over higher life, and have its long-cultivated spite become master over each and all. And you too, as a thinking person, must have seen how they work this anonymous and malignant magic, how they smell out any trace of nobility in promising youths, how they hypnotize their subjects into destroying and betraying themselves for nothing. With their zeal they are building a royal road to slavery, and laugh in scorn against their opponents.
To anyone who joins them in that laughter, and belittles and insults, berates and scolds life’s great-souled instinct to overcome and improve itself: You are the chandala, you are the scum of the earth. And I promise you this: we will live to see you when you finally stop laughing.
And to everyone who understands, but doubts: any person whatsoever who does not take life seriously, and does not engage in the mission they are called for with their complete and utmost strength, no matter how virtuous or just, have always and are always and will always be vanquished by the people who do take life seriously, even if only to the extent of resentment against the happy. To be free, you must fight; and if you want to live, you must conquer.
And to those who understand and do not doubt: you are the promise of life, and you make men’s hearts glad.
But Brutus came and seized the weapon And fearless spoke these enmious words: “For too long have I concealed my manly worth! I swear revenge on Tarquin and his brood.” With a shout he assembled the Quirites, And the people were told of the evil deed. A consul took the government for a year. And that was the last day of the kingdom.