Art enters the household Uninvited, unbidden Of her own accord Hidden from all eyes Except for him For whose sake she comes And enters the household Stands in the living room And the boy for whose sake She has come is nine Or ten, eleven or twelve Is at the couch and will see Many things he did not see before Art Deco and Gothic Baroque and the Antiquity Westerns and things made in Japan What a great relief From the great vulgarity The chitter chatter And the dumb animal suffering Of the braindead cattle That life breeds in great numbers And shows the boy, nine or ten Eleven or twelve Something that another Intelligent and sensitive Kind and generous man Made as a dictator Ruling his subordinates With the purity of purpose That all art requires In order to be made What a great joy That when art enters the household She brings in her train The ten million artists That are always present In this great tradition For any serious artist Puts in his work Which is the justification of his life His homage to his masters His allusions to his teachers His parodies of his rivals And will never stand alone But forever stretch back In the ligaments of the work To the anger of Achilles And the towers of Ilium Of the primate poet Never rivalled or equalled Who showed that in war There is a greater teacher than violence And that friendship is stronger than love Said Aristotle: "Pain unhinges And destroys the nature of him Who undergoes it." I on my part Will not disagree with the philosopher But will only add That to be dependent on What you were given Is a kind of slavery And in shorelessness alone Dwells the life The hope and the resurrection Of wisdom, and so the christians say Be in the world but not of it So does philosophy say That you must see what is your own As one among many And must know the minds of many men Even if to have contempt And foam well the fount Of human hatred Which runs deep and strong And which runs every day of every month In all those who fate Gave a hard lot To suffer intensely and unjustly For years and years and years And years upon years upon years From when they were small children on To when they were supposed to have become Full and accomplished men Granted of course That they had the brains, the brawn And the grits, and the feeling soul To understand what injustice is In the first place For the dumb animal masses Lacking understanding Cannot suffer from those things That are an exquisite torture To the wellborn gentlemen of fine parts Who were misfortunate enough To be born into an era of democracy "Slow rises worth, by poverty depressed."
the indo-european friendship club will return
Johnson ♥️ Well done. I felt much better for having read this 😃